- Useful Links
The Radio Officers’ Association: www.radioofficers.com
The Merchant Navy Association: www.mna.org.uk/
The Chamber of Shipping: www.british-shipping.org
RFA Association Plymouth Branch: http://www.rfaaplymouth.org/index.html
Southampton Master Mariners Club: www.cachalots.org.uk
Isle of Wight Branch of the World Ship Society: www.isleofwightwss.org.uk
The World Ship Society: www.worldshipsociety.org
Tony Westmore Maritime Artist: http://www.shippaintings.co.uk
New Holmwood Hotel: www.newholmwoodhotel.co.uk
Sea Cadets TS Osborne, Cowes, IW: https://www.sea-cadets.org/cowes
Sea Cadets TS Royal George, Ryde, IW: https://www.sea-cadets.org/ryde
Warsash Association for ex-cadets, students and staff of Warsash Maritime Academy: www.warsashassociation.net
Merchant Navy Fund: https://www.merchantnavyfund.org/
Seafarer’s Advice & Information Line (SAIL) – https://www.sailine.org.uk
Public Outreach Department of The Mesothelioma Center – https://www.asbestos.com/mesothelioma